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Clyde-sider applicant journeys: findings from a two-year follow-up survey

Jul 2017

This report summarises findings from a survey of clyde-sider volunteer applicants two years after the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. The survey was the third to be issued to applicants as part of a longitudinal study on the impact of the official volunteering programme. In contrast to past big event volunteering research this study has captured learning on those who were selected and those who were not.

Findings are presented in relation to 4 key legacy outcomes: skills used since the games, volunteering behaviour, social connections and personal legacy. 

Findings reveal a positive picture for those who actually volunteered as clyde-siders, but less so for those who applied but were not successful. Some key findings are: 

  • Most clyde-siders reported that they already had a range of skills or did not develop them though the volunteering programme.
  • Most applicants (clyde-sider and non-clyde-siders) did the ‘same amount’ or ‘more volunteering’ (formal or informal) in the two years that followed the Games.
  • Nearly two thirds (64%) of clyde-siders kept in touch with people that they met while volunteering. Non-clyde-siders were far less likely to have kept in contact with other volunteer applicants (18%).
  • Most clyde-siders (97%) felt that the experience was at least slightly important to their life.
  • Age and area of residence were important factors in shaping outcomes for both clyde-siders and non-clyde-siders.

The report has implications for the delivery of future big event volunteering programmes, as well as learning that could help to achieve increases in the volunteering rates among the general population.

Findings suggest that the greatest legacy outcomes may be achieved when volunteering organisers of mega-events target those with the most to gain and tailor the experience to different demographic groups.

Clyde sider follow up report

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