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Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 22

11 Sep 2018

200 SVS, 200 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5RQ, United Kingdom

Healthier Future Forum

Creating healthier futures: a discussion across generations

Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 22 (GHFF) event was co-designed and planned with young people, youth organisations and health improvement teams.

This event was for young people, organisations and services who work with young people (from community settings to strategic decision makers) and others who aspire to work with young people. We suggested that the age groups of young people that would find this event of most use were S4, S5 and S6, school leavers and young people in their late teens or early twenties. 

We know that the future for young people is becoming ever more complex. Traditional milestones marking the next steps into the adult world – such as leaving school, getting a job, or finding a home – are becoming more complicated and harder to achieve. These milestones matter because they are the building blocks to living a healthy life.

In response to these challenges and building on the momentum being generated by Year of Young People 2018, the aim of the morning was to strengthen efforts across the city in creating healthier and fairer futures for today’s young people by supporting conversation among young people, adults and the organisations which serve both. Workshops included: youth health; peer education; employability, skills and qualifications; youth volunteering and more.


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