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Transport and Health workshop

22 Oct 2019

The Lighthouse, United Kingdom


Transport and Health Workshop

On 22nd October, Glasgow Centre for Population Health and Edinburgh Napier University hosted a workshop to explore the health, social and environmental co-benefits arising from more sustainable transport provision and use. 

Road transport and health has become an increasingly well recognised area for intersectoral collaboration, not least between public health practitioners and transport, town, and land use planners over the past two decades. Within the evidence of positive impacts has grown the understanding of co-benefits. Thus, if we can for example, improve the walking and cycling environments we may see not only less motor traffic congestion and associated pollution impacts on health but also cardiovascular benefits and overall reductions in the disease burden associated with low physical activity populations.

Introductory presentations provided a stimulus to delegates in seeking to capture these co-benefits in building stronger cases for sustainable transport in the quest for improved health and rapid decarbonisation of the transport sector.

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