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Young People's Transitions Workshop

25 Oct 2022, 10.00-12.30

The Prince's Trust Wolfson Centre, Cumbrae House, 15 Carlton Court, Glasgow, G5 9JP , United Kingdom


This launch event of the Young People’s Transitions findings report provided an opportunity to hear about the pilot research study that GCPH commissioned the The Lines Between to conduct during 2020. 

This focused on young people aged 16-20 in Glasgow to explore their experiences of transitioning to adulthood. It also provided a unique opportunity to capture young people’s thoughts and experiences of this critical time in their lives during the pandemic. The findings focus on:  

  • Perceptions and experiences of transitioning to adulthood 

  • Challenges and barriers to transitioning 

  • Existing supports and influences 

  • Supports required 

  • Impact of COVID-19 on young people and transitions 

The event consisted of a presentation on these key findings followed by roundtable discussions. These focused on how the insights and learning from this pilot study can help increase understanding of the issues that affect young people and inform services and future work in this area. The event concluded with an opportunity for more informal discussions.  

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