Sustainable food
Food sustainability, food poverty and the role of food in education are important topics in looking at wider population health. Below are highlighted some of our latest material.
Changing the food environment in Glasgow: event report
This report describes an event held in The Lighthouse on Thursday 3rd October, 2013 involving pupils and teachers from five secondary schools in Glasgow at which the “Glasgow Game” was used to explore how the food environment in Glasgow can be changed for the better.
No Such Thing as a Free Lunch?
Fiona Crawford has written a useful blog on several food sustainability initiatives in Glasgow and the UK, as well as introducing our latest report on policy lessons that can be learned from Sweden.
Going back to Gothenburg: what else can we learn from Sweden?
This is the second report on a collaboration between the Centre and an innovative food education project in Gothenburg (Project MEDEL) which aims to extend and embed healthy eating and food education beyond the basic curriculum. The first report is available here.
The rising cost of food: Not just money, but mental health too
Ade Kearns looks at the hidden cost of rising prices to the mental health of those struggling on low incomes following the publication of research from the GoWell Programme which shows a link between higher levels of financial stress and declining mental health and wellbeing for people living in deprived communities.