Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland publish new reports
Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland (CNS), the partnership between the GCPH and the University of Glasgow has published a new collection of resources exploring the impact of COVID-19 on families, children and young people across Glasgow communities.
The findings provide insights into the impacts of COVID-19 on children and families and how services have collaborated across sectors to respond to the urgent needs of communities and families during the pandemic. These resources bring to fore the views, voices and the lived experiences of the frontline staff who directly supported children and families during the early stages of the pandemic and lockdown period and who coordinated responses within communities and across Glasgow City. The publications identify key messages emerging from the research and makes recommendations for policy and practice.
A series of Insight papers have also been published to share emerging and real time insights from the research as it was conducted to help support the COVID-19 response and recovery planning.
A literature review on the concepts of vulnerability and resilience for children, young people and families and how they can be embedded in the COVID-19 recovery phase has also been published. The resilience literature explored in this review highlights the complexity of the concept, the describes the manifestation of resilience across different groups and levels and identifies common and connected characteristics supporting underpinning resilience-building approaches. A blog summarising the key points from the review is also available.
Building on this learning from our research, CNS will soon publish reports sharing the perspectives of frontline workers who supported vulnerable refugee, asylum seeker and migrant families during the COVID-19 lockdown, and also families living in rural communities.
Follow @CnScotland for the latest news from the project.