Capture Glasgow
We’re collecting the people’s stories to gain insights into what makes the city and its citizens tick. To get you thinking, here are some questions we’d like you to consider while you create your story:
- How does Glasgow make you feel? How does the city influence your thoughts, emotions, hopes, fears, health and wellbeing?
We will collate submissions with the intention of building an online collection of lived experiences of Glasgow, one that represents real life here in the city. We’re looking for a varied range of contributions, from sounds and images to poetry and photographs.
If you’d like to be a part of Capture Glasgow, please email your text and images to Sheena Fletcher, E-Comms Officer by 2nd October. If you would like to submit audio or video, please get in touch and arrange to share the file online with us.
Make sure to let us know what name you would like to appear next to your response and if you’re submitting an image or a sound remember to include a sentence or two about why it captures Glasgow for you.
You can also tweet your ideas to us on Twitter @theGCPH – use the hashtag #CaptureGlasgow