European Mobility Week 2015
European Mobility Week is an annual campaign on sustainable urban transport, supported by the European Commission. The aim of the campaign, which runs for a week in September each year, is to encourage European local authorities to introduce and promote sustainable transport measures and to invite people to try out alternatives to car use.
This year’s theme for the week is ‘multimodality’ which encourages people to think about the range of transport options available, and to choose the right mode when travelling. Each journey is different, but people often rely on the same mode of transport, regardless of whether it’s best suited to the task. Multimodality invites people to combine ways of getting around, which can often lead to a quicker and more pleasant journey.
One of the novel aspects of this year’s theme is a reinterpretation of the journey from A to B as a means to enrich our day: the daily bus commute, for example, can be seen as a chance to catch up on the day’s headlines whereas cycling or walking can be viewed as a mobile gym, providing an on-the-go workout.
Follow the @mobilityweek Twitter account for updates during the week and we’ll be tweeting too: @theGCPH
September e-update
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