Our Voices – Community Impact in Action
Our Voices – Community Impact in Action is a comic developed by members of the CommonHealth Assets Lived Experience Panel (LEP) in collaboration with Magic Torch Comics.
The comic explores Panel members' stories and experiences of being involved in their local community-led organisations, and how the activities they attended and the support that they received has impacted on their health and wellbeing. Through the work of the CommonHealth Assets research project, a number of programme theories have been developed, which illustrate how community-led organisations improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, looking at the context and conditions necessary to achieve impact.
Through highlighting the experiences of Panel members, the comic aims to illustrate these programme theories in an accessible format, which community partners can use to share, describe and promote the impact of their work.
You can download the comic below and also see it on issuu here.
Our Voices – Community Impact in Action v2
pdf | 9.4MB
We have created short videos for each programme theory comic, which you can see below (sound on).
Self-worth, empowerment, confidence
Space and inclusion
Improvements to physical and mental health
Purpose, productivity and social connection
Social interaction, inspiration and self-esteem
The power of communities
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