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Findings Series 27 - 'The Big Eat In'

Dec 2010

This briefing paper highlights the findings of the evaluation of the Big Eat In pilot initiative.

The aim of the Big Eat In (BEI) was to encourage S1 pupils to stay within school grounds at lunchtime to eat a healthy lunch and participate in a lunchtime activity. Eight secondary schools located in different areas of Glasgow volunteered to participate.

The findings of the pilot study among other things showed that S1 school meal uptake rates across the eight schools remained consistently higher during the pilot year than during the previous academic year and higher than uptake rates in other year groups.

The consensus from those that took part in the evaluation (including pupils, parents/carers, staff and volunteers) was that the BEI had been very successful, should continue and should be extended to other schools in Glasgow and across Scotland.


Evaluating the Impact of the ‘Big Eat In’ Secondary School Pilot

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