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Clyde-sider applicant journeys: findings from a follow-up survey

Jan 2016

This report follows a baseline survey report issued to clyde-sider volunteer applicants prior to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Findings are presented from a follow-up survey issued three months after the Games. Feedback was captured from a sample of those who were official volunteers (n=1,822) and those who were not (n=896), referred to throughout as clyde-siders and non-clyde-siders. 

The follow-up survey was issued to capture feedback on the application process and delivery of the volunteering programme. The impact of involvement in the clyde-sider programme is considered in terms of satisfaction with different aspects of the experience, what volunteers gained, opportunities for skill development and future volunteering intentions. 

Some key findings from the report are:

  • Most clyde-siders found their volunteering experience to be rewarding and satisfying.
  • Clyde-siders reported that they had gained from volunteering in a variety of ways.
  • Most clyde-siders developed new skills through volunteering, although not all were looking to develop new skills.
  • Clyde-siders were more likely to expect to do more volunteering in the future than non-clyde-siders, although for both, levels of volunteering remained high after the Games.
  • Clyde-sider applicants who did not go on to become Games volunteers reported that communication could have been better throughout the application process. Despite this, most were involved in the Games in some capacity, either by watching it on television, attending Games events, spending time in the city during the Games or by volunteering/working at the Games in different role.
  • The Games were widely seen to have had a positive impact on Glasgow and Scotland, and this impact is expected to continue. 

The findings have implications for the delivery of future volunteering programmes. They also provide early evidence of how the clyde-sider volunteering programme is contributing to volunteering legacy outcomes for Glasgow and Scotland.

Commonwealth Games 1st follow up web

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