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Thrive Under 5 - Year one evaluation

Dec 2022

Thrive Under 5 (TU5) is a two-year pilot project funded by the Scottish Government and delivered by Health Improvement staff from NHSGCC. Through a whole systems approach to tackling child poverty in three Glasgow neighbourhoods, the programme aims to support children under the age of five to achieve a healthy weight. Partners involved recognise the need to take a comprehensive, collective and long-term approach to change, which includes − but goes beyond − tackling the issue of food insecurity, and which provides families with the resources and knowledge to make healthier choices. Funding has helped to support a range of actions and interventions in each community. GCPH have provided evaluation support to the project since it received funding in 2021. The report summarises the breadth of work undertaken during this period, as well as progress towards the project’s intended outcomes.

Thrive Under 5: Year one evaluation

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