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Concepts Series 3

Jun 2007

This briefing paper presents the findings from a strategy to pilot Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Glasgow, to determine its usefulness in generating informed recommendations and influencing decisions about integrating health into the planning system. The paper reports specifically on the undertaking of a HIA of the draft Local Development Strategy for the East End of Glasgow.

The briefing paper explores the background and rationale for Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and outlines the aims and purpose of the HIA of the draft Local Development Strategy for the East End of Glasgow. The methodology used is presented alongside the WHO’s determinates of health and wellbeing that urban planning can influence which influence the approach adopted. The paper presents the discussions and conclusion of the case study and discusses in further detail the determinants of health of concern to participants and stakeholders highlighted during the appraisal process and recommendations made for future HIA exercises which aim to integrate health into the planning process.

GCPHbriefingpaperCS3 web

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