Publications and resources
You can access all of our past publications and outputs here. This includes our research reports, briefing papers, consultation responses, event reports, infographics and other digital outputs such as films and animations.
These are presented in chronological order or you can search by theme. You will also find these in the relevant project pages.
If you require an output in a different language or format, such as a plain text version, accessible PDF, audio, braille, BSL or large print, please email us using the contact us form.
Changing life expectancy in the UK - Fact sheet
Resetting the course for population health
GCPH Response - Consultation on the 20% Reduction in Car Km Route Map
GCPH Response - Fourth National Planning (NP4) Framework draft consultation
GCPH Response - Inquiry into Health Inequalities in Scotland
Consolidating evidence of impacts of COVID-19 on Children and Young People
GCPH response - Glasgow’s Active Travel Strategy 2022-2031
GCPH response - Glasgow Transport Strategy 2022-2031 (policy framework)
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Black and minority ethnic groups
GCPH response - Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2022-2026
Glasgow: a changing city - Children and young people - infographic
Glasgow: a changing city - Disabilities - infographic