Understanding Glasgow
Active Travel and transport, Children and Young People, Communities, Economy and Work, Environment, Food, Health and Care, Housing, Inequalities, Poverty, Other
Jan 2010 - Ongoing
min read
Understanding Glasgow is a resource maintained by GCPH staff and partners. It shows data about the city across 12 adult and six child indicators. These focus on the social determinants of health.
The adult indicators are: population; work and welfare; poverty and wealth; health; housing; environment; transport and travel; learning; crime and safety; food; culture; and power and participation.
The child indicators are: health; learning; poverty; wellbeing & development; safety; and population.
Overview of page
Project objectives
To provide an accessible source of data for the public and for professionals, which offers an overview of how things are in the city. The site provides charts and infographics, alongside text explaining what the data shows.
What is involved
For each indicator, the site shows data about how Glasgow and the Glasgow City Region compare to other areas in Scotland and in the UK. Where possible, it also shows comparisons of different areas within the city. It includes perspectives such as deprivation, gender, age, ethnicity or disability for relevant topics where data is available. It also covers how things have changed over time.
The site also gives context to the data, by noting key policies and strategies that impact on the topics covered, and by referencing research or information that can help explain data trends. It also notes when data is not available and why.
The site itself is updated whenever new data or information becomes available. Infographics on each of the indicators can be downloaded from the site – again, these are updated whenever new data is available.
In 2021, the report Health in a changing city 2021 was published which captured trends across many of the indicators shown. It can be found in the outputs below.
Project outputs
Publications & Documents
Crime and safety infographic
Culture infographic
Environment infographic
Food infographic
Health infographic
Housing infographic
Learning infographic
Population infographic
Poverty and wealth infographic
Power and participation infographic
Transport infographic
Work and welfare infographic
Health in a changing city: Glasgow 2021