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Exploring parenting support: wider Greater Glasgow and Clyde area - phase 2

Aug 2017

This report presents the findings and recommendations from qualitative research on the delivery and impact of parenting support programmes across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area.

The aim of this research was to provide services and agencies involved in commissioning or delivering parenting interventions across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area with a better understanding of the range and extent of parenting support currently on offer, and to make recommendations for future service delivery. The research builds on an earlier piece of work with the same aim which focused specifically on the Glasgow city area.

The research is based on interviews with staff from within Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire, Renfrewshire, East Dunbartonshire, and West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs). Each informant was involved in the commissioning, planning or delivery of parenting support within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

In order to build on the first phase of research, data from this second phase was organised around the same five themes (discussed in more detail in the main report):

1.    Economic, social and cultural context.

2.    Range and fidelity of parenting programmes.

3.    Relationships and engagement.

4.    Monitoring and evaluation.

5.    Clarity of vision, leadership and future direction.

As in Glasgow city, parenting support is now firmly embedded as an important component of early intervention across the statutory and third sector. There is growing recognition of the importance of family support which can take account of and respond to a family’s economic, social and cultural context.

Services and agencies involved in commissioning or delivering parenting interventions in Greater Glasgow and Clyde should:

  1. ensure family/parenting support models are integrated, underpinned by the ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ (GIRFEC) principles that can take account of and respond to a family’s economic, social and cultural context
  2. recognise that no single programme fits all families and therefore parenting programme options should be broadened to ensure that the programmes and interventions available are appropriate and accessible to families
  3. build on and replicate existing good examples of cross-organisational working through developing shared referral criteria, joint planning, funding and delivery of parenting programmes allowing for both universal and targeted approaches
  4. provide greater clarity about what constitutes success and share monitoring and evaluation strategies that include a focus on outcomes for families
  5. provide appropriate time, training and resources for staff involved in delivering parenting and family support to sustain continuity and impact
  6. build relationships with families to help them take an active part in support plans rather than being viewed as passive recipients of programmes or services.

Exploring parenting support in Glasgow phase 2

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