79 results found.
Gender inequalities: a brief policy overview
News story
This brief overview is supplementary to our blog series on gender inequalities.
CommonHealth Assets: The Lived Experience Panel – initial reflections and tips for PPIE in research
News story
In this blog, Mohasin Ahmed discusses our work on the Lived Experience Panel component of the CommonHealth Assets research project.
COVID-19 pandemic - The unequal social and economic burden on women
This micro briefing presents a range of evidence of the disproportionate impact of the social and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on women.
Participatory budgeting
Resilience and public health
History, politics and vulnerability: explaining excess mortality
A synthesis of the research undertaken into excess mortality to date, which, from a detailed examination of all the available evidence, identifies the most likely underlying causes and, therefore, the most appropriate policy responses.
Lowering speed can reduce harm and boost active travel
News story
As the Safer Streets Bill is being considered by the Scottish Parliament, Bruce Whyte reflects on what progress has been made in encouraging more people to walk and cycle over the last decade – but what more needs to happen?
Support from next door, not advice from above
News story
Can Scotland teach England anything about public health reform? Dr Rosie Ilett blogs about the recent King's Fund public health reform summit.
Children’s health and wellbeing indicators for Glasgow
News story
Bruce Whyte introduces the children's indicators on Understanding Glasgow
Evaluating the impact of participatory budgeting
News story
Participatory budgeting (PB) is taking root within Scotland’s democratic structures, but how do we evaluate its impact?