Past Events
In this section you can view or listen to past event recordings and access related content including presentation slides and event summaries.
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Socioeconomic change seminar series
A series of three seminars based around socioeconomic change in Glasgow and the surrounding conurbation
Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 4
Positive Deviance
Seminar Series 3: Lecture 1 - Jerry Sternin
'Social Change from the Inside Out'
Seminar Series 2: Lecture 6 - Prof A C Grayling
'Civic humanism and conversation about the good life'
Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 3
Methodologies for change
Seminar Series 2: Lecture 5 - Dr Howard Frumkin
'Urban vision and public health: designing and building wholesome places'
Seminar Series 2: Lecture 4: Dr Ilona Kickbusch
'The Global Health Challenge: Why We Need Good Governance for Health'
Seminar Series 2: Lecture 3 - Prof Jennie Popay
'Where's the evidence? The contribution of lay knowledge to reducing health inequalities'
Seminar Series 2: Lecture 2 - Prof Tom Devine
'The Transformation of Scotland: 1980 - 2005'
Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 2
Glasgow's health in the past, present and future
Celebrating 30 years of the MIDSPAN studies
A scientific meeting of thosed involved in the MIDSPAN study
Seminar Series 2: Lecture 1 - Prof Andrew Steptoe
'How Stress Gets Under Your Skin: psychobiological studies of social status, stress and health'
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