Past Events
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Seminar Series 12: Lecture 4 - Geoffrey Pleyers
'Mobilising Dissent: Social Activism in a Global Age'.
Seminar Series 12: Lecture 3 - Julia Unwin CBE
Poverty in Scotland and the UK is costly, risky and wasteful, but not inevitable
Seminar Series 12: Lecture 2 - Prof Ioan Fazey
What does it mean to respond to change? Insights from the Solomon Islands
Seminar Series 12: Lecture 1 - Prof Alison Phipps
Population Healing: Languages, Creativity and the Extraordinary Normality of Migration
Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 17
Thinking ahead in the early years
Seminar Series 11: Lecture 6 - Bruce S. McEwen
Experience shapes the brain across the lifecourse: epigenetics, biological embedding and cumulative change
Glasgow's Healthier Future Forum 16
Exploring perspectives on active travel
GCPH Seminar Series 11: Lecture 5 - Linda de Caestecker
Re-imagining Justice for Women
Seminar Series 11: Lecture 4 - Andy Wightman
Land reform as an engine of economic progress
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