Publications and resources
You can access all of our past publications and outputs here. This includes our research reports, briefing papers, consultation responses, event reports, infographics and other digital outputs such as films and animations.
These are presented in chronological order or you can search by theme. You will also find these in the relevant project pages.
If you require an output in a different language or format, such as a plain text version, accessible PDF, audio, braille, BSL or large print, please email us using the contact us form.
Right Here Right Now - Book of Findings Summaries
GCPH response - City Centre Mandatory 20mph Zone
Positive conversations, meaningful change: learning from Animating Assets
The Cost of the School Day project
Assessing individual and community impacts of Stalled Spaces-funded projects
GCPH response - Glasgow’s Draft Strategic Plan for Cycling 2015-2025
How do people get to work - infographic
Pedestrian and cyclist casualties - infographic
GCPH response - Work, wages and wellbeing
Pedestrian and cyclist casualty trends in Scotland
HIA of the Local Development Plan: event report
Expectations and experiences of Glasgow 2014 'clyde-sider' applicants