Publications and resources
You can access all of our past publications and outputs here. This includes our research reports, briefing papers, consultation responses, event reports, infographics and other digital outputs such as films and animations.
These are presented in chronological order or you can search by theme. You will also find these in the relevant project pages.
If you require an output in a different language or format, such as a plain text version, accessible PDF, audio, braille, BSL or large print, please email us using the contact us form.
Maximising Opportunities: appendices for the HWC final evaluation report
Evaluating Sistema Scotland: Evaluation Plan for Big Noise Program
Impacts of Welfare Reforms on Lone Parents Moving into Work: Report
The impacts of welfare reforms on lone parents moving into work
Findings Series 43 - Influences on mortality
Findings Series 44 - Spatial Distribution of Deprivation and Health Outcomes
International Co-operation: Sweden's Study Visit to Glasgow on Sustainable School Food
Assessing the health impacts of neighbourhood improvements in Calton
Findings Series 42: Alcohol-Related Harm in Glasgow
Findings series 41 - Public health implications of the pSoBid study
Concepts Series 13 - Towards asset-based health and care services
Concepts Series 12 - Resilience for public health