65 results found.
A perspective on children's health in Glasgow
News story
Bruce Whyte discusses a new set of children and young people's health and wellbeing profiles, which aim to help inform services planning and identify population health patterns.
V is for value, A is for action: Values-based Approaches with communities
News story
Our Community Engagement Manager Cat Tabbner explores the value of our communities and volunteers as part of Challenge Poverty Week 2023.
The challenge of an unequal world
News story
Lorna Kelly discusses Michael Marmot’s book 'The health gap: the challenge of an unequal world', looking at inequality, health and the wider social and economic contexts which affect population health.
Mental Health in Focus: a profile of mental health & wellbeing in Greater Glasgow & Clyde
A comprehensive profile of mental health and wellbeing in Greater Glasgow and Clyde and its sub-regions.
Challenge Poverty Week
News story
14th - 20th October 2013
Working towards a Best Start and Bright Futures: reflections on an NHS child poverty partnership
News story
This is the first in a series of blogs on how universal health and social care services can and are tackling child poverty.
Families running on empty
News story
Are we turning a blind eye to the spiralling levels of unsecure personal debt used ‘to make ends meet’ among vulnerable households?
A 'pockets' approach to addressing financial vulnerability
A Centre for Research on Families and Relationships publication which outlines recent evidence on financial vulnerability among families in Scotland.
History, politics and vulnerability: explaining excess mortality
A synthesis of the research undertaken into excess mortality to date, which, from a detailed examination of all the available evidence, identifies the most likely underlying causes and, therefore, the most appropriate policy responses.
The ‘social stuff’: connections, communities and health
News story
Sara Dodds discusses how our connections to others, our networks of support, and our ability to influence decisions affecting our lives, all impact on our health.