56 results found.
Health Inequalities in Scotland: Leaving No One Behind
News story
Chik Collins, Director, GCPH, and David Walsh, Programme Manager, GCPH
Economics of Public Health Blog series - a comment from Jean Adams
News story
Just trying to make the world a better place.
The crisis before the crisis
News story
Major new study of mortality across UK countries and cities highlights worsening mortality among the UK’s poorest communities.
Mortality trends in countries and cities of the UK
This short summary provides an overview of a major study of mortality across UK countries and cities highlights worsening mortality among the UK’s poorest communities.
Still the "sick man of Europe"?
A contemporary summary of Scottish mortality trends over a 60 year period (1950 – 2010), comparing Scotland’s mortality position relative to 19 other mainly Western European countries.
About GCPH
The Aftershock of Deindustrialisation
The Aftershock of Deindustrialisation: Trends in mortality in Scotland and other parts of post-industrial Europe
Findings Series 15 - 'Let Glasgow Flourish'
Findings from the 'Let Glasgow Flourish' report
A perspective on children's health in Glasgow
News story
Bruce Whyte discusses a new set of children and young people's health and wellbeing profiles, which aim to help inform services planning and identify population health patterns.
Children’s health and wellbeing indicators for Glasgow
News story
Bruce Whyte introduces the children's indicators on Understanding Glasgow