56 results found.
Findings Series 11 - European regional and city comparisons
How does the health of Greater Glasgow and the West of Scotland compare with other cities and post-industrial regions of Europe?
New report highlights how Glasgow is changing
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Our new report looks in detail at how health and life expectancy are changing in Glasgow and explores the changes to the city’s population, housing, environmental and socioeconomic circumstances over the last 20 years.
Understanding Glasgow turns ten!
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The Understanding Glasgow website, launched in January 2011, set out to create and present, in an accessible and engaging way, a set of health and wellbeing indicators for the city.
Active travel in Glasgow: what we’ve learned so far
This report brings together GCPH learning on transport and health, with a specific focus on active travel.
Active sustainable travel
Summary of our past research on active sustainable travel.
Over 300,000 ‘excess’ deaths attributed to UK government austerity measures
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Economics of Public Health Blog 10
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The role of modelling in evaluation and decision making: how does it work in reality – a cardiovascular disease case study
Can we do more to prevent poverty and adversity in childhood?
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Guest blogger Pauline Craig looks at recent research into early childhood experiences and outcomes in later life.
Findings Series 6 - Incapacity Benefit in Glasgow & Scotland
'Turning the Tap Off' - A study into the trends of the last five years
Challenge Poverty Week 2017
News story
This annual awareness week highlighted the realities of poverty and aims to increase public support for action to combat poverty.