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Cyclists and pedestrians crossing one of the pedestrian bridges in Glagsow, with cranes in the background.

Capture Glasgow is now online!

10 Oct 2013

Our recent 4 week pilot project invited people to contribute their stories about Glasgow to gain insights into what makes the city and its citizens tick.  The pilot phase responses are now available to view on our Capture Glasgow Tumblr site

We received some really artistic and inspiring contributions, so we have decided to keep Capture Glasgow running to give people who weren’t able to contribute in the pilot phase an opportunity to tell their stories. Over time we hope to create an interesting collection of how people have captured Glasgow.

So if you’d like to be a part of the ongoing project, you can tweet your ideas and pictures to us on Twitter @theGCPH – use the hashtag #CaptureGlasgow

If you would like to submit audio or video, please get in touch and arrange to share the file online with us.

Please make sure to let us know what name you would like to appear next to your response and if you’re submitting an image or a sound remember to include a sentence or two about why it captures Glasgow for you.

We will also be creating a Capture Glasgow page on our website with examples and information about the project, so if you don’t have access to Tumblr you can find out more on the page, which will be online soon.

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